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Monday, July 21, 2003


It only took me a couple of weeks to get my bicycle commuting blog up since I was instigated to do so, but here it is finally. The instigation instance will come in a future post, but I need to start with today, since I was instigated again to start posting my times.

Just because, this was a day when you know you are being tested. First off its Monday, not a huge deal, but its Monday. Then when I get to work, some dog decided to leave a present over the weekend right in the middle of the alley entrance where I park my bicycle, hmph. So the work day moves along smoothly, then it moves along a bit too long. My 3:30 meeting doesn't start until 4, cause the new E.D. and the board member are getting to know each other, then I dont get out of the office till 5:45. So happy to be on my way home. Wouldn't you know it, the wind usually blows down river on the Susquehanna in Harrisburg, but not today, with a big storm on the way I fight a hard headwind all the way. Man am I glad to get home.

At least I beat the torrential downpours that started a little later in the evening as I write this, and its grand for my garden. First zucchini is on the vine, had salad and fresh beets for dinner too.

Well, thanks for joining this bicycle ride. Lets see where it goes.

Comments to: franklenblog(at)fastmail(dot)fm

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