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Tuesday, October 07, 2003


Thanks for staying tuned, its been 8 days since my last blog.

Well, it has finally gotten cold enough to start me thinking about Fall and Winter cycling to come. Today I made my first change in clothing from my normal summer shorts and T-shirt. I put on a pair of my poly-pro leggings that I normally use for working outside (or for cold weather hiking/backpacking), then shorts overtop of that. I had on a windbreaker over my T-shirt and a pair of black fleece gloves. I was more than warm enough, in fact a little too warm by the end of the ride. This is going to take alot of trial and error I believe.

Also thinking ahead to keeping motivated. I want to thank all my loyal readers, your presence helps keep me blogging now, and hopefully it will keep me riding through the dark and cold months ahead. I'll give you more props in the coming days.

As for the cold, a frost was predicted for 2 nights this past weekend, and last night too, but it didn't materialize here in my little micro-clime. I covered the most susceptible plants in my garden with some sheeting, and harvested a few tomatoes and peppers and some cilantro but it wasn't necessary. My tomatoes, peppers, cilantro, basil and more are still going strong. My cucumber plants have finally given up and I picked the final cuke this past week. I ate it for lunch today with a little ranch dressing to accompany leftover pizza from the night before. Also picked the one honeydew melon we produced. Tastes good, too much rind and not enough flesh though; is that from picking it later rather than sooner?

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