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Tuesday, November 25, 2003


Here is what I go through as the bookends of my daily rides. Put work clothes and lunch in backpack, dress in morning by putting on long undies tops and bottoms, and wind/rain pants, tuck right leg pants into sock to keep away from chain when riding, put on sneakers and tuck laces into shoes to keep away from chain/pedals, toss on windbreaker, pull whistle out of pack and put around neck, grab helmet and head outside, put on helmet, unlock bike and put lock in pack, put on pack and pull windbreaker hood if not using underneath right side pack shoulder strap to keep out of rear view and to keep from flapping, hook pack in front, put on gloves, wheel bike off of porch, head down alley and adjust rear view helmet mirror, I'm on my way.

The differences at night are simply double touch rear red blinkie to set it to flash, and get out headlight, attach to handlebars quick release, and turn on. I used to forget some of these things in the process, but now after doing them so routinely I pretty much get it right every time. I say that now but I probably forgot something in my list here.

As another info bite, I did a car count today on the way home, except for Riverfront Park cause I didn't think about it till after that. But anyhow, I ended up at +33 cars, meaning I netted a total of 33 cars I passed on my way home, so I think my bike ride is defnitely quicker wouldn't you say? As a max I was up to somewhere around 60 cars at one point, but then going down Bridge St. after the I-83 interchange the traffic jams die out some and I lose some of my lead, but I still ended pretty well.

Commute Song of the Day: One Horse Town by The Thrills

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