Thursday, November 13, 2003
For example, coming across the Rt 83 overpass from Lemoyne to New Cumberland, I ride the wide lane to the right and there is enough room to share. But the lane ahead breaks into three (a left turn, a straight in the middle, and a right turn) at a stop-lighted intersection. I need to go straight so I have to get into the middle lane, but this midle lane is often backed up for 1/4 mile or so, and if I move up along it on the right of the wide lane (where the cars can't) I feel bad by trying to merge or squeeze in at that point after having passed them all, instead of getting into the que of traffic a few blocks back. So what can I do, well, I went into the right turn lane, and flew across the perpendicular street into the fast-food restaurant parking lot on the corner, then popped out again back on the projectory I would normally be on by going straight through the light. "No throroughfare" arguments aside, I'll keep doing that and hopefully no car drivers will get P.O.'d, but I am not sitting in traffic on my bike, especially in the upcoming winter. Nuff said.