Monday, November 10, 2003
I can adjust my speed to my needs in these situations. In cooler weather I can slow down but keep pedaling to keep my temp up, instead of getting to the stop and sitting still for a bit of time. In warmer weather I can decide to slow to actually settle down my speed and effort, this helps in the real hot humid conditions around here in Summer. Today, I left for work this morning with the temp around 26 degrees and I was layered up perfectly, however on the ride home I put everything back on, and it turns out I didn't need to (was around 50 degrees), so I was overheating a little on the ride. But fortunately, in this case, I wasn't hitting any of my signals on time, so I hit each red and had a sit-still for a minute or two, and this allowed me to cool down just enough. Perfect timing in this case.
Made up those lovely spring rolls with the two heads of cabbage I harvested from the garden this weekend. Added some shredded carrot, and tofu with sesame oil, rice wine vinegar, and soy, and dipped in duck sauce, delicious. Made some buckwheat pasta on the side with some of the remaining spring roll mixture, and some extra soy, and I ate some great hot pepper relish along with (Sue passed on that though).