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Monday, December 15, 2003


After last weeks time off due to that major cold bug, I was fairly eager to get back on my bike again this morning. But lo and behold, our second major snowstorm of the season already (in december only) dumped about 8 inches on Saturday and Sunday morning, mixed with icy rain, sleet, etc, what a mess. A good choice I made to take the bus option this morning, because the roadways were a mess and the sidewalks were worse.

To my surprise, the fare for the bus had risen from $1.35 to $1.50 since I last rode back in April before I started biking everyday. Now it costs me the same out-of-pocket to either ride the bus both ways, or drive and park at City Island for the day. Wonder how that affects people's decisions now to bus it or drive?

There were only myself and a father and son in the morning, coming home there were about 10 folks. The two behind me were in a discussion about how they were taking the bus because they didn't have driver's licenses, so that's 20% of the riders (that I know of) who were only on public transport cause they had to be, not out of choice.

Anyway, I plan to be back on the bike tomorrow again. Though I was thinking that even a further option than I discussed in a previous post is that I can walk the whole way home if need be. Probably take me about an hour or so, but hey good exercise anytime. As for the weather, check it out at the bottom of this page if you want a local Harrisburg forecast.

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