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Tuesday, December 02, 2003


The nefarious winds of the Susquehanne River valley are starting to rub me the wrong way. Its not bad enough that they are destroying the remaining plants I have in the garden, my carrot tops withering away and my beet greens shrivelling up. The winds here are tough to deal with at times especially when on the bridges. Out of a whole 4 folks I saw out walking across the ped bridge or in Riverfront park this evening on the way home, half, or 2 were running women trying to beat the cold gales whipping down the river.

Unfortunately I have no options at that point, its over the river or nowhere to get home. But when I got over today, I took a side route once I got to Bridge St. Two reasons. One is that I wanted to get the route down and check on visibility from lights before the weather really kicked in. I will probably be going an alternate way once the real cold and snow starts to stay away from traffic as much as possible. I saw maybe 2 cars this route compared to the 20-25 I would have encountered otherwise. The other reason, and what first brought this change to mind, is that I thought I might add some distance/time to my commute. I have noticed that the 4.5 I do daily each way has gotten to an easier point, and though it would be more of a challenge in the winter, I thought I would kick it up a notch and get a safer route all in one.

As for the cold today, well you can notice the difference. Snow in the air, temps in the low 30's on the way in to work, wind chills in the 20's. I was warm enough, but couldn't find my balaclava from in my gear stores, so I used a fleece headband around my ears and forehead, but it was too hot, and did too much more than simply cutting the wind. I needed it though because I don't like the wind whipping my ears, and possibly giving them an ache. Earplugs anyone? My safety glasses worked well today though, except they caused an obstacle to my line of vision to my rear-view helmet mirror. Have to make some adjustments there.

Commuting Song of the Day: No Depression by Uncle Tupelo

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