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Thursday, December 18, 2003


I really hope things don't happen in 3's as that old wives tale predicts, cause two days in a row of mechanical breakdowns is enough. Coming home today my pedal starts wobbling and then the little cap on its outside falls off and I lose it. I was about 1/3 of the way home, so I hoofed it the rest of the waym, as the pedal kept wobbling off now, and I didn't want it falling off as I was in a compromising position. I did cheat a little by coasting down the sidewalks along bridge where there is a long decline near home. No biggie, I still got home by 6pm (leaving the office at 5:15), and it was a clear crisp day out so can't complain about that. But hey I'm starting to get tired of the cascade of parts.

Anyone know what that little cap is called, and if my problem might be with my pedal or the bottom bracket? And while we are at it, anyone know what the proper name for the type of bolt that snapped from my seat post yesterday is? I mean the kind with the round hex head, threads all the way to the head. If so, speak up please. I can't find one like it in any hardware store.

So tomorrow the back-up is defenitely coming out. I was able to avoid that today by switching out my seat post, since I couldn't fix it last night. And I switched it out from a 3rd bike I own. This is a Roadmaster (walmart,kmart??) that I found in my neighbors trash a few months back, and besides a slightly bent front rim, it had no major problems. So I took it, trued up the wheel the best I could, (it's rideable), and now keep it as another spare, and it looks like, a parts bike. So I took the seat and post off of it. Had to do the full switch cause the seat is one of the clamp on top of the post types, that my current seatpost won't accomodate. But it all worked in the end.

Commute song of the day: "16 Days" by Whiskeytown

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