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Saturday, December 13, 2003


If you ever look far down the right-hand column of this blog and check out the referrers section to see who is visiting from where, you may have seen a listing for Wildwestmuseum.org the last few days and thought: What does a Wild West museum have to do with bicycle commuting? Well, in a community, everything is interconnected at some level. And this is no different. Building sustainable environments happens through many different projects which share the same spirit for livable, citizen centered communities. Wildwestmuseum.org was launched to bring to light the ill-conceived spending and planning by Mayor Reed of Harrisburg for a Wild West Museum (in Central PA?). $5.3 million has been spent on artifacts for this museum while city water bills and parking fees have been increased, as an example. Read all about it for yourself.

Wildwestmuseum.org offers up another option for discussing important livable communities issues, including bicycle commuting. The general issues forum on their site is the place for this, and the Bicycle Commuting topic in the Other Harrisburg Issues forum is a place to do it. I invite you to voice your support for better bicycle education and facilities there (as well as here); and to start a thread of your own on any topic that may interest you. The important thing for you to do is to initiate and help maintain these discussions, so that everyone has as many options for learning about the issues as possible.

Holiday light hanging song of the day: Strays by Jane's Addiction

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