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Sunday, January 04, 2004


As I sit typing another entry, the rain continues to fall outside. Just for your info, this past year was the 2nd wettest in Pennsylvania history, and my garden can attest to that. I actually can't complain as far as my commuting goes, but I would still not mind if next year were a little closer to average.

I am thinking about playing with the template of my blog a little over the next few weeks to give it a more original style and design. Probably won't redesign from scratch, but just edit what the current stock template is. I don't anticipate any problems with viewing the page, but just so you know. I also want to give it an update as I make an attempt to bring more local and regional folks into the site. I am looking to advertise via some flyers I recently designed that I plan on posting at bike shops and other bulletin boards in the area. I also hope to initiate some advocacy activities in the next year as time and interest allow, and maybe some folks will be interested in taking part who learn of such through this blog.

Finally, I was interviewed by a writer from the Central Penn Business Journal last week. The piece is a short one to focus on local weblogs, so don't know how much they might delve into any bike commuting details, though I provided them with quite a few. If I find out when it might be published I will pass the info along, and if you are a regular reader of the journal keep your eyes out for it (and let me know if I miss it).

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