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Monday, January 12, 2004


I don't think I ever planned on writing a list like this, it even seems a little cheesy don't ya know, but what the hell. It is amazing the things you notice or don't when you are a bicycle commuter. So here are a few observations that you know make you a bicycle commuter.

1) You don't know the current price of gas at the pumps, and you have to ask someone in the car with you if you should get gas here.
2) You look bewildered at the person in the other car screaming their head off at you in the parking lot, and since you remember stopping at all the signs, signalling, correctly, and otherwise driving correctly, it must be something miniscule like taking their parking space?
3) You forget what side of the car the gas tank is on when you go to fill-up, and don't realize it till you get out, and then have to get back in and turn the car around at the pump.
4) When you are driving a vehicle, you notice all the other drivers around you speeding crazily to get somewhere (they probably don't even want to ge going to), and you have the peace of mind to be calm and take your time, a state mastered while on the bike.
5) and lastly for now, you dread getting into the car for a trip to the store, especially when it is just for one or two items, and you stay home more and make do, rather than fight with all the other consumers on a daily basis.

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