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Saturday, February 07, 2004


The morning outside today had me thinking about growing my bike fuel for the summer season. That's right, the birds singing, the clear sunny sky and temps above freezing (wow) brought images of a stretching garden underneath the 6" of snowpack in the yard. I've had enough pale tomatoes and limp lettuce for the winter, I'm looking forward to deep red fruits and crisp from the soil greens.

It's been awhile since I've discussed gardening on this blog, I've really been focused on my bike commuting as I had planned. But when growing season comes around, those veggies as bike fuel gain so much importance in this quest for supporting a bicycle lifestyle that they have every right to be here. I hope that as you undertake your commute, you'll set some time aside for balancing the other aspects of your life as well. And maybe set aside a small plot in your backyard for growing some bicycle fuel.

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