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Wednesday, February 04, 2004


Bridge St eventually comes to an end at the intersection that funnells all traffic from the south of I-83 across an overpass into Lemoyne. I have no other option at this point. I have to take this route as I have no other location to cross I-83 unless I go quite out of my way. The only issue is that traffic can get quite backed up when weather, accidents, or construction hit. It is in these cases that I take advantage of being on a bike and "find my own route".

Once in Lemoyne, traffic is once again funneled down towards the Susquehanna for crossing at the Market Street Bridge. Once again no other choice for me at this point, and with little if any attention given to the sidewalks on the Bridge (actually lots of attention is given to plowing the snow and ice from the roadway onto the sidewalk), I most often stay on the roadway at this point. As you can see (but in my opinion most motorists ignore or do not know how to interpret) there is a pretty little "Share the Road" sign here, the only one I see on my route.

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