Wednesday, March 03, 2004
First name
Last name (optional)
Age (optional)
Home Town
Workplace Employer (optional)
Workplace Location
Round Trip Commute Distance
Description of Bike (optional)
1) Why do you commute? How Long have you been Commuting?
2) There are many opportunities for improving bicycle commuting resources
in the Harrisburg metro area, what would you like to see? (exs. bike
lanes, more signage, monetary incentives, other?)
3) Do you believe bicycle commuting would help relieve downtown parking
issues/rush hour traffic issues? Why?
4) Do you think promoting bicycling could provide a draw for tourists
(and an economic benefit) to Harrisburg (especially with Riverfront Park,
and Harrisburg's Capital Area Greenbelt in development)? Why?
5) Any other Stories and Tips you would like to share about your
commuting experience?