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Monday, March 22, 2004


Today may be the last day of cold this winter, and now spring. Cold that is heavy-handed and makes you think twice about spending time outside. So I decided to revel in it. After all, who knows where I may be next year, and if I am not here, this could be the last cold day I experience. So I sat on the balcony porch, sipped a glass of wine, read a book, and experienced the cold. And after cursing the cold all winter, and hoping for the warmer months, especially through bicycle commuting all winter, I was able to enjoy the cold for itself.

I won't be posting any further this week. I will be presenting two papers I wrote at the Wilson College Conference for Sustainability in Chambersburg this Friday and Saturday, so I will be taking the evenings to prepare as needed. If I don't procrastinate maybe you'll here from me, otherwise, normal postings will resume next week. One paper is on the development of a survey to determine barriers and benefits to perrenial food production in urban and suburban landscapes. The other (which will be a poster presentation) is on the development and design of two sets of trail loops signs at the Robert A. Macoskey Center for Sustainable Systems Education and Research. One loop about ecological succession and man's role in such, the other loop about sustainable living strategies.

Song of the Day: "Salome" by the Old' 97's. I just got the CD Too Far To Care that this is on, and I must have listened to it ten times at work.

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