Thursday, April 08, 2004
a little blog I ran across the other day that details another person's commuting and transportation cycling tales.
PA River Sojourns
2004 Watershed Awareness Month
Two new blogs I am maintaining at work. I brought the blogging tool into our non-profit work world, and I hope it is successful, it's fun for me never-the-less. Check out our PA River Sojourn program in which we administer funding for statewide educational paddling trips; and 2004 Watershed Awareness Month in which we promote, advocate, and educate about watersheds in Pennsylvania. We incorporated both blogs as pop-ups, which I normally detest, but I think it works pretty well for the purpose and how we are using it. Let me know if you have any thoughts. Peace.
Song of the Day: "Mrs. Potter's Lullaby" by The Counting Crows