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Thursday, April 22, 2004


I also bike daily 5 miles round trip to work at the Borough of Ephrata's WWTP. I am their Environmental Resource Manager. Have been riding since about 1998. It was hard for the first month or so but now I miss when I can't do it due to inclement weather or other commitments. I seem to have more energy & am more alert because of it. It seems foolish to get in a car to drive to the Rec Center when riding a
bike can do the same thing. (If I drive it takes me 7 min. vs. 15 min. on my bike) As traffic gets heaver I find I can even make better time than the cars. Yes, more people could do it if they wanted to.

My sons also have a commute story to share as they have the same distance (only in a
different direction) to school. It would take them an hour by bus or 10 minutes by bike. This may also save the school district money by not having to bus them, as we home school them, and they go straight to the Lancaster County Career & Technology Center at Brownstown.

Jay R. Snyder

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