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Friday, December 31, 2004


Hi compatriots, I am looking for local (south central pa) bicycle commuting stories for the 2nd volume of a paper zine version of bcn to be published in the next few months. The first volume of bicycle commuting now was published and distro'd locally last year, and was based mostly on my journaling at this site, and now I am looking for other's stories for the next volume. Please send to franklenblog@fastmail.fm

All submitters will receive a free copy of the zine when published (please include a mailing address). I am also looking for photos of bicycles and bicycling in South Central PA, and help with funds to publish (volume 1 was a 100 copy run that cost me $40) you can make donations via paypal in the left column, or just get in touch and we can talk about how we can work together on this project. Remember, this zine is distributed for free, so any donations support the project %100.

Thanks for your time. be well - franklen

SONG OF THE MOMENT: "Berks County Boy" by Frogholler

Advice About Bicycle InsuranceI thought that I needed to insure my bicycle against theft. Ive heard that bikes get stolen every day in my city and I want bicycle insurance to cover my investment. I am very careful about locking my bike up every time I get off of it. I use a really nice U-Lock and wear the key on a chain around my neck. I found out that one of my friends was dating an insurance salesman and contacted him with my questions.I asked him about bicycle insurance and he said that my homeowners or renters insurance policy would cover my bicycle if it was stolen. He said that there were a lot of limitations and exclusions, though. He said that my bike would probably have to be stolen from my home to be fully insured.I was thinking that if I had bicycle insurance and my bike was stolen, insurance money would buy me a new one. That turned out to be untrue. The agent I talked to told me that if my bike was covered, I would be reimbursed for the value of a new model, less depreciation for every year old my bicycle was. Im thinking that, depending on the rate of depreciation, I may end up owing money if my old bike was stolen!The agent I talked to told me that I had to maintain good records for bicycle insurance. He told me to take a photo inventory of my possessions and to keep receipts. He also said that any time I am making a claim against an insurance policy for theft; I need to have a police report attached to the form. It is also very important to be accurate when declaring the value of the property stolen.To learn more about everything bicycles vist my site at: BrensMartUSA Bicycles Have a geat day and stay healthy!Brenda Sue
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