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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

A Flower Called Nowhere 

You really gotta check this blog out, it's called A Flower Called Nowhere, and is full of "bike commuting and smirking malcontentedness". Many of Stacey's posts speak deeply to me about living life fully, playing in the rain like a kid, taking no bullshit, and rejecting the values of mainstream overworked and bought culture. Inspirational for sure.

Oh and he has a yellow bike, with radical stickers like mine too, neat. Sometimes you gotta find some niche in life, and those spaces can get really deep before you find a voice that speaks the same tongue. Within all the bike commuting sites out there, this is one that speaks the tongue of the malcontents, alternative culture seekers, and living with purpose not just for acquiring the big car and house. Much appreciated thought.

SONG OF THE DAY: "Full Fathom Five" by The Stone Roses

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