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Friday, December 30, 2005

Moving On! 

Folks, this ride has pretty much come to an end for my Harrisburg readers. It is official I have moved to Syracuse NY to further my education among other things, and I won't be posting about Harrisburg, if about anything these days on this blog. Not that I don't have other cyber-publishing thoughts now and then that we will have to wait and see where they go. This site will remain a part of the cyberspace library though as I feel it has some good info for new and returning bike commuters in Harrisburg.

The email address associated with this blog will be shut down permanently in the near future as it has been overrun with SPAM. I'll try to forward my new address to those of you who communicated with me on a more than once basis, but if I don't you can leave me a comment here, and when I check it now and then, I'll get you an updated email if you'd like to continue correspondence.

I do plan on coninuing my bicycle commuting in Syracuse. I have even more limited apartment space here though, and I am currently trying to figure out my best set-up. In Harrisburg I kept my bike locked to the large wooden columns supporting my porch roof in a nicer family neighborhood. Now I live in a quite more urban area with higher crime, and the landlords are adament about not keeping personal items in common space. So I have the option of bringing my bike up to my apartment; or as I hope to do set up a plan with the landlord to try and allocate some common space to bicycles as I have seen one or two others who live here riding sonce I have moved in.

I still believe Harrisburg has a ways to go to welcoming community oriented ideas like bicycle commuting into it's fold, and I hope that the torch will continue to be carried by others in the locale. Hell, feel free to even use the bcn name and logo if you like, perhaps that will help lend some continuity between your efforts and mine that will help build the foundation for more bicycle commuting in Harrisburg. Let me know if I can help any other efforts along.

Final Song of the Day: "Say Something" by James

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